Wednesday, October 10

Musings on Pushing Daisies

How can one hate a show where the hero's hometown is Couer d'Couers (heart of hearts)? Fascinating show, terrific engaging cast. A lot of reviewers have been using the word "twee" to describe the show - I don't know if I find that word revealing or revolting. There's something about it that just doesn't seem right.

Unusual, eccentric in a quaint way says Ned in the second episode to describe something and I would use those words to describe Pushing Daisies.

I hadn't thought of the fact that your reaction to death may inform how you view this show, however I suppose that would be true. Death, of course, is a very personal thing. On the same token - the honeyed voice of Jim Dale, the crackling dialogue, the super Technicolor saturation - this may help one get past the reality of the premise.

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